Host Family

Ready to Become A Billet Home?

The Rochester Junior Americans North American Hockey League (“NAHL”) team will commence play in August for the 2023-2024 season. As we look forward to welcoming these young men ages 17-20 into our community, efforts are now underway to implement the team’s billeting program. Billeting, a hockey tradition of sorts, involves host families opening their homes to these young men thereby enabling them to pursue the next step in their developing hockey careers. The billet program also allows individuals to complete high school educations, take college classes, and/or pursue part-time employment in the local community.

Host families provide housing and three meals a day while the young men are in town. Host families receive a monthly stipend of $500 and complimentary season tickets to home games (up to 4 tickets per host family). The hockey season runs from mid-August to mid-April.

Being a billet family can be a very rewarding experience. Strong bonds are often made between the player, his parents and the billet family, which frequently carry on well after the player has moved on to the next level. The Rochester Junior Americans coordinate this program for our players and encourage interested families to read the frequently asked questions below.


Complete the Billet Questionnaire and our Coordinator will be in touch shortly!


Q: What is a billet/host family?
A: A billet or host family is where a player lives during the season (mid-August to mid-April). This is a player’s home-away-from-home.
Q: Is there a “typical” host family?
A: Host families may be two-parent families, single-parent families, and an “empty nester”. The common denominator is a desire by the family to make a difference in a player’s life.
Q: What does the billet family provide?
A: A separate room for the player(s) furnished with a bed, space for clothing storage, access to restroom and Internet connection. Nutritious meals including breakfast, lunch and dinner. A patient, caring and friendly home environment. The same attention and guidance you would want for your own children.
Q: Can a family host more than one player?
A: Yes. Two players can share transportation expenses, and often provide company for one another. The only requirement is that each player has adequate space/living arrangement. Each player is expected to have his own bed, closet or dresser, and acceptable access to a restroom.
Q: Will my player attend school or have a job?
A: Yes. All players are required to be in school or work part time as their schedule allows.
Q: Who pays if a player is injured or needs medical attention during his stay?
A: Players must have medical insurance from their own families. Billet parents are never responsible for medical payments.
Q: Will I have to pass a background check?
A: Yes. Background checks and SafeSport are required prior to a player being placed with a host family.
Q: Are billet families paid?
A: A stipend of $500 per month is paid to the billet family. This helps with additional household expenses, especially food and drink. Billet families are asked to provide three meals per day and snacks for their players.
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